

Transformative Learning Experiences

Transformative learning thrives through experiential activities rather than traditional classroom education

While education often confines learning to predetermined knowledge, our approach encourages creative thinking beyond societal norms. This broadens perspectives and fosters innovative solutions.


We incorporate mindfulness practices into our activities, enhancing clarity in values and fostering impactful learning outcomes.


Nature-based experiences amplify mindfulness benefits and fostering stronger environmental ethics.


Active movement benefits physical health and brain development. Combine with mindfulness creates a holistic flow state.


We provide hands-on, nature-based transformative education to help students direct their learning and grow in multiple ways. We encourage overcoming perceived-risks for increased resiliency and problem solving skills.

Our programs in Krabi, Thailand are distinguished not only by their educational content and skill-based, experiential learning, but also by the integration of mindfulness, movement, and nature. These elements work in harmony, creating a powerful synergy that enhances the learning journey.

The 'nmed' experience


We use hands-on, nature-based teaching to help students direct their learning and grow in multiple ways. We foster risk-taking for increased independence and creativity, and overcoming obstacles builds confidence and resilience.

The 'nmed' experience

Our programs in Krabi, Thailand are distinguished not only by their educational content and skill-based, experiential learning, but also by the integration of mindfulness, movement, and nature. These elements work in harmony, creating a powerful synergy that enhances the learning journey.

Explore our programs

Naturemind-ed experiences

School Bespoke Programs

Specific or custom-designed educational camps for schools, organisations, companies, and individuals.

The NMED camps

An experiential kid camps, incorporating elements of directed learning with “educational’ objectives and focus on life-skills building and character development.

Worldschooling Programs

A learning experience and exchange forum devoted to the “worldschooling” families network.

Impact Education

The Impact Program empowers communities for biodiversity conservation through collaboration and immersive learning, fostering stewardship for a resilient future.

A La Carte Experiences

Half-day or day-long stand alone experiences for interested individuals, families or groups: these are mostly teasers of longer experiential programs

Retreat & Team Building

Focusing on wellness and self-development through a diverse selection of practices, we provide hosting facilities for professionals or design our own retreats

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